Flexibility & Mobility Classes
What to expect from each class: -Classes will run approximately 45 minutes. Each session will use a full-body approach, holding various stretches that will leave your body feeling relaxed and tension-free. The cost is $15 taxes inc per class, and all you must bring is your yoga mat (I do have extra if anyone needs to borrow it) and some comfy clothing. -These classes are for all ages, and all flexibility levels. You will be shown modifications for beginner, intermediate and advanced stretching levels in each position. *Stretching should always feel gentle and tension relieving, and never painful. The stretch should be stopped upon any onset of pain as over-stretching a muscle could lead to damaging muscle fibres. -We will all flow at our own individual pace and flexibility levels as we vibe to relaxing music to further encourage relaxation and clear our head space (many of you have commented on how much you enjoy my treatment playlist, so I will be using the same soundtrack) -The purpose of stretching is to increase your range of motion and work toward gaining the full length of any shortened muscles. Stretching has many benefits, such as improving circulation (which also shortens recovery time and decreases muscle soreness), reducing the risk of injury (strains, joint injuries, overuse injuries), and promoting stress relief and relaxation. -You will learn various stretching techniques during this class that you will be able to take with you and use throughout your day as you discover possible areas of tension during our sessions together.